Anxiety Therapy

Do you often find yourself feeling on edge, uptight, and restless?

Do you tend to overthink and second guess your decisions?

Does it feel like your fears and worries are constant and debilitating?

Anxiety can be so difficult to manage, and left unaddressed often becomes more and more powerful- to the point that it can feel as though it controls nearly every aspect of our lives! Maybe you’re so overwhelmed from battling your anxiety that you feel as though you have little left for what matters most to you.

Sometimes it’s hard to even understand why we are feeling so anxious.

Our genetics, past life experiences, and go-to coping strategies, as well as day to day work stress, relational challenges, and health concerns can all contribute to an increased experience of anxiety. Fear for ourselves and our loved ones, as well as worry about all the challenges our world is experiencing can become so painful and overwhelming that daily tasks like working and caring for ourselves and loved ones can be hard to focus on.

Common Reasons to Seek Anxiety Treatment:

  • Difficulty being “in the moment”

  • Constantly feeling on edge

  • Avoidance of experiences that trigger symptoms

  • Difficulty facing life

  • Fixation on particular memories or worries

  • Lack of self-confidence and self-doubt

  • Experiencing panic attacks

  • Rapid breathing, racing heart

  • Increased sweating or stomach tenseness

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Problems falling asleep and/or staying asleep

  • Appetite changes

The LifePath Therapy Approach to Anxiety Treatment in Chicago, IL:

At LifePath, our anxiety counseling helps you untangle your difficult thoughts, feelings, and symptoms in order to better understand your experience of anxiety, identify your values and goals to ensure that treatment reflects what is most important to you, and collaborate with you to make the lifestyle changes and develop the coping skills that will empower you to live your best life. Our anxiety counseling utilizes a range of therapeutic tools such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), exposure therapy, trauma informed practice, and insight oriented work as a means of ensuring that your unique needs and goals are addressed in the way that is right for you. Most importantly, our therapists value a relational approach to therapy, grounded in respect and empathy.

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