Life Transitions
Let’s walk together.
LifePath was inspired by the idea of journeying with people across the path of life.
We believe therapy has value even in the quiet moments in your life, and that a crisis is not necessary for someone to seek out support.
We know therapy to be a process that can accompany you on your journey between seasons - cheering, gently challenging, understanding, and helping you navigate pitfalls and blocks.
Transitions are the moments in life when we cross thresholds, which can stir up all sorts of things for us - old patterns, unprocessed pain, questions around our values, sense of purpose, identity, and belonging. While transitions can be destabilizing and feel like rocky ground, they are also the place from which new growth, direction, and life can spring forward.
Sometimes our life doesn’t turn out the way we’d hoped, or we’re stuck in an in-between space - feeling uncertain or a little lost.

Our therapists are excited to partner with you to navigate whatever transition season you are in:
Managing the teenage years
Navigating a quarter life crisis
Walking through a new relationship or divorce
Experiencing a job transition or career shift
Receiving a chronic illness diagnosis
Becoming a parent, caregiver, or empty nester
We will be there every step of the way.
Sitting with the hard questions, helping you unpack what you want to leave behind and what you want to bring with you in this new season, and connecting you to resources within and outside of yourself.
Engaging in this work can look like:
Partnering with a therapist who has specific skills and training in your area of life transition
Building awareness of the impact of this transition on your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, increasing your agency to respond in ways that are aligned with your values
Exploring questions around your values, identity, and meaning
Engaging in grief work around the parts of your life that have changed
Visioning ahead and setting intentions for what you most want for yourself, your relationships, and your community
Identifying how anxiety or depression can get in the way of what you desire