Parenting Support
Parenting can be a journey of profound connection and purpose, but it can also be a journey of confusion, pain, and challenge. Some of us grew up in homes where there was consistency, a sense that we were loved, and mutual respect. Others of us grew up in settings where our parents or guardians were inconsistent, struggling with their own wounds or pains, preoccupied or even cruel.

The truth is becoming a parent often brings up our own past experiences from when we were a child. As much as you may want to carry some nurturing elements forward, or leave painful patterns behind, it is not uncommon to find yourself replicating the very dynamics you wish to change.
At LifePath, we believe that you are doing the best you can and we want to come alongside you in your role as a parent - supporting you to manage your emotions, cultivate a secure attachment with your children, repair conflicts, and parent in a values aligned way.
We work with parents and families in many shapes and forms:
New parents
Parents of teens
Parents in high conflict relationships with their children
Parents supporting children struggling with suicidal ideation or risky behaviors
Parents of children with developmental delays or disabilities
Parents of children who experienced trauma

It takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to raise parents. Let us support you in stopping the struggle and building routines and patterns of connection that will work for the long term.
Helping your child manage and learn how to be with their big feelings, is dependent on a trusting attachment between you and your child.
For many families, ruptures often continue in a cycle and leave you feeling defeated and hopeless that anything will work. While traditional methods may result in fleeting peace and compliance, you may find yourself stuck in a punishment loop as the only means of trying to feel a sense of control. Through the latest research in child and brain development, the field of developmental science has made profound changes in our awareness of what drives behavior and overwhelming feelings in children, and how adults can support children and teens in managing their experiences.
Engaging in Parenting Support Therapy can look like:
Exploring how your own attachment experiences contribute to either over correcting or replicating attachment styles with your children
Identifying your strengths and developing your parental instincts, and exploring how to use them in your relationship with your children
Develop self trust and teasing out when you are repeating patterns that are familiar vs when you are trusting your gut around a new way of being in the present
Supporting you to strengthen the attachment between you and your child by increasing the sense of safety and security in the child-parent relationship
Building skills for boundary setting, emotion regulation, managing your child’s emotions, and managing tricky behaviors
Increasing your awareness about family conflict patterns and stuck points
Explore how you can parent in ways that align with your personal goals and values